Hi There, I'm Sachin Vardhan


About Me

Sachin Vardhan

I am CSE'26 Undergrad student at Noida Institute Of Engineering and Technology. I am very passionate about improving my coding skills & developing websites and applications. I Love To Code, Obviously Everyone ... :)

  • City: Greater Noida, UttarPradesh
  • Age: 20
  • Email: vardhansachin08@gmail.com

“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”


My Education

B.Tech In CSE

2022-2026 | Pursuing

Noida Institute Of Engineering and Technology | AKTU

12th | PCM

2019-20 | COMPLETED

Priyanka Modern Sr. Sec School | CBSE

Thank You

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Greater Noida,India-201306